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Crateagus lavellii Carrieri

I love the beauty of Crateagus lavellii Carrieri, an exquisite hawthorn variety renowned for its profusion of fragrant white flowers and glossy, dark green foliage. This hardy and ornamental tree captivates with its clusters of vibrant red fruits, offering year-round allure. This versatile hawthorn not only offers beautiful flowers and striking red fruits but also becomes a lively hub for birds and pollinators, creating an ever-charming and vibrant scene in any garden or landscape.
Crateagus Lavellii
Crateagus lavellii
Malus baccata

A very pretty crab apple with a beautiful display of fragrant white blossom in mid-late spring and small bright red berries in autumn. Also known as Siberian Crab, this variety is one of the hardiest, suitable for the coldest situation, an excellent choice for a difficult situation. It is a medium sized, vigorous, rounded tree, with mid-green leaves, which are downy on the reverse. 
Malus baccata
Malus baccata
Hydrangea quercifolia Snowflake'


This beautiful, broad-shaped hydrangea has deeply lobed leaves shaped like the leaves of an oak which turn to bronze, orange and reddish-purple in autumn. This is a later-flowering variety with flowerheads that appear from June to September, they are conical in shape which hang down with a mass of sterile double creamy white florets which turn pink with age. The flowerheads last well into the autumn. It is fully hardy and will grow in most soil conditions but prefers reasonably drained conditions. A great shrub for autumn interest.

Hydrangea quercifolia Snowflake
Hydrangea quercifolia Snowflake

Berberis x carminea 'Buccaneer'

The berries on this barberry caught my eye shining like little jewels on a wet autumn afternoon. It was planted as a hedge but when planted singularly it forms a medium size shrub. In late spring it has large yellow and orange flowers and in autumn bears these wonderful pinky red berries. It is a semi-evergreen shrub the can give a lovely show of leaf colour so provides all year interest. being a berbers, it also has large thorns so can be planted as a deterrent against intruders.

Berberis x carminea Buccaneer
Berberis x carminea Buccaneer
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